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wtb fuel tank sender and/or pickup unit


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 I have bought my dads old weasel we had 30 years ago.  It originally was from Norway.  (had Norwegian tracks and data plates)

It had a rear mounted fuel tank that was removed.

the guy I bought it from bought an NOS tank from Murray years ago.

I have a filler neck, and a fuel sender (sender is really really bad)

I need a good sender with a pickup tube, or a sender without, and a larger hole fuel pickup.

I think the tank was designed for an electric pump, however, I want to use my original mechanical pump, as it works perfectly.

I could take a junk electric unit and modify for a pickup tube?

I also need the gas tank straps.

I would like to know the correct fuel line routing, as the current setup is a fuel line running into the radiator opening, which stops at that point.  How does it go from there to the pickup?  do I need a hull mounted fuel filter?







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