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Unit ID

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Any way of tracking unit info on the weasel serial numbers?  (Do i need to do some sanding) Or does anyone have a serial numbetdata base? My serial number is 


Date 1944


Came out of california.


                  Matt R

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I bet you will be able to pick up some markings if you carefully sand the hull. 

There was a lot of variability in where the registration numbers and any unit markings were painted in WW2 so I would study images online and then carefully wet sand areas and see if you pick up any evidence of numbers/markings. 

The early units had the registration numbers painted behind the drivers seat - yours is late enough that the registration number will be on the side of the hull.

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Do you have the hull number for this vehicle? Will be a thin plate on the back of the front bulkhead.


If you want to find the original USA number follow these directions....


Jim Gilmore

Jim Thorpe, PA



If you want to locate the original Blue Drab numbers that your vehicle was delivered with measure 34 to 36 inches from the center line of the bolts on the front side of the vehicle measuring towards the rear.

About 4 to 6 inches up from the top of the flairs on the sides........

This is where the USA number will be. It will start with 401.......

The original numbers will be in Blue Drab paint.

If the numbers cannot be found then the hull was stripped or sand blasted when it was rebuilt.


It is important when sanding for original numbers that you follow a set pattern.....

First...start with #300 grit wet/dry sand paper. Use water.

Start sanding at the dimension I gave.

SLOWLY....sand 4" area and sand off the paint layer by layer.....first one layer until it is all gone....then the next and so on....until you see green....now STOP....

Repeat the process on the next 4" area.......and on for about three feet.

Now STOP.....get some #600 grit wet/dry sandpaper and , using water, s-l-o-w-l-y sand the first area until you start to see blue drab. If you sand through the blue drab in this area it is not a problem as the numbers will start with 401 or 402...it is the last five numbers that we want to find.

Again, slowly, take your time, have a brew......and sand until you see the rest of the numbers. As the outlines slowly come out sand around, not over, the numbers. After this is done slowly sand over the numbers until you can see them...then get a camera and take several photos. Many times the camera will "see" the numbers clearer than your eye can.

It is very important not to rush this....once the numbers have been sanded through they are gone forever!

I have used this procedure on many vehicles and almost always have been able to find the original numbers.

Good luck and please post or send me the numbers when you find them

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That is the only plate that is gone. At least my serial number plate is still there. My resto plan in start winter of 2026. Kinda a retirement stay busy thing. Just collecting parts I know I need and info. As for finding the painted info. I've done this many times in the past 25 years with other military vehicles and have found some very interesting unit markings going slow and cautiously. My biggest hurdle right now is a radiator and engine rebuild kit. I can't seem to find what I need 

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