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Transmission Overhaul


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When I rebuilt my weasel T84 transmission I incorporated a few modifications that I hope will help to extend the life of this transmission. I fitted high capacity bearings front and rear. I substituted the pilot rollers between the main drive gear and the main shaft with a bronze floating bush. I fitted an oil seal to the front bearing retainer cap in lieu of the cork seal and then fitted viton o rings retained by nylon collars to the selector shafts. I posted previously about using a generic metric seal for the transmission output shaft. I was unable to source a weasel cluster gear so I have fitted a standard MB/GPW Jeep cluster gear. I machined a thicker thrust washer to compensate for the difference in the overall length between the two cluster gears. The Weasel cluster gear is the longer of the two. I also fitted new synchro blocking rings and a selector shaft detent ball assembly. The true test of my work will come later this year. Cheers. JW














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There is a modification publication that shows how to use the MB/GPW cluster gear in the Weasel T-84. I'll dig it out of my files......but I think you used two of the jeep trans spacers to use that cluster. I'll post it when I find what box it's in......

And......don't forget to use that 90 degree pipe elbow on the filler neck to raise the fluid level in the trans.........very important to use it.

Jim Gilmore

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  • 1 month later...

Great to have a new Weasel forum. I am dissecting an NOS T84 Weasel transmission and very interested to see JW's comment on the length of the cluster gear: I had over-looked that. Also my transmission has a 25 tooth low & reverse gear (the G503 t/m uses a 25 tooth gear) despite the Weasel ORD9 specifying a 24 tooth low & reverse gear. Is this a mistake in the Weasel parts book?  Any other comments on the interchange between G179 and G503 T84 transmissions?    …… Brian

Edited by BCA
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  • 2 weeks later...

The 1944 edition of ORD 9 specifies a 24 tooth gear but in the 1953 edition, the one from Portrayal press, the 24 has been crossed out and 25 entered instead. This gear, 197376, is also used in the 1939 and 1940 Studebaker Champion cars, but in the parts catalog for those the tooth count is not mentioned. So I checked one of the two T84J's I have, and it also has a 25 tooth low and reverse gear. It is not NOS so the gear could have been changed. I also have a NOS/very lightly used T84J, that had never been taken apart before I restored it, that I can also check but unfortunately I can't get to it right now.

From comparing the G503 and the G179 transmissions I have found that at least these parts are interchangeable:

194264 - Thrust washer

903406 - Thrust washer

903407 - Thrust washer

513002 - Countershaft

513003 - Plate

900889 - Cluster gear bushing

512990 - Roller

512998 - Shaft reverse idler gear

903405 - Reverse idler gear

900899 - Synchronizer assembly



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Jim: I’m pretty confident that my transmission is for Weasel: olive green, has all the G179 features. At this point, given that all the ratios are the same for G503 and G179 transmissions, I am assuming that both use a 25 tooth low & reverse gear. M29C3284: Thanks for the interchange list and the mention of the notation  (correction?) in the later ORD 9.There are small changes in the gear numbers that make it difficult to prove G503/G179 interchangeability by part number but some of the number changes are just upgrades or production modifications to an otherwise interchangeable part.   ...... Brian

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I have a WW II ORD document that goes over the interchange GPW transmission parts to Weasel.

On of the things it covers is using a GPW cluster gear in the Weasel trans. Additional spaces/thrust washers were needed.

I will see if I can find it in my computer and post it here.

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